
Translation of User Interface: so

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Enabling this feature allows the system to dynamically adjust the design to fit various product variants automatically, streamlining the setup process and eliminating the need to create dedicated templates. However, please be aware that if variants have very different print areas, the adaptation may not be perfect. Always double-check to ensure the design aligns well with the specific product variant. Suurtagalinta habkani wuxuu u oggolaanayaa nidaamka inuu si firfircoon u hagaajiyo naqshadeynta si ay ugu haboonaadaan kala duwanaansho kala duwan oo wax soo saarka ah si toos ah, habeynta habka qaabeynta iyo baabi'inta baahida loo qabo in la abuuro shabagyo heer sare ah. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, fadlan ogow in haddii kala duwanaansho ay leeyihiin aag daabacan oo aad u kala duwan, la qabsashada ayaa laga yaabaa inaysan ahayn mid kaamil ah. Mar kasta double-hubi si loo hubiyo in design si fiican u jaanqaadaan la duwanaansho sheyga gaarka ah. Details

Enabling this feature allows the system to dynamically adjust the design to fit various product variants automatically, streamlining the setup process and eliminating the need to create dedicated templates. However, please be aware that if variants have very different print areas, the adaptation may not be perfect. Always double-check to ensure the design aligns well with the specific product variant.

Suurtagalinta habkani wuxuu u oggolaanayaa nidaamka inuu si firfircoon u hagaajiyo naqshadeynta si ay ugu haboonaadaan kala duwanaansho kala duwan oo wax soo saarka ah si toos ah, habeynta habka qaabeynta iyo baabi'inta baahida loo qabo in la abuuro shabagyo heer sare ah. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, fadlan ogow in haddii kala duwanaansho ay leeyihiin aag daabacan oo aad u kala duwan, la qabsashada ayaa laga yaabaa inaysan ahayn mid kaamil ah. Mar kasta double-hubi si loo hubiyo in design si fiican u jaanqaadaan la duwanaansho sheyga gaarka ah.
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2023-10-25 15:44:30
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