
Translation of User Interface + Backoffice: so

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When displaying a 2D design on the 3D model, a texture of the design is generated with default values of 1024 for desktop, 1024 for Android mobile devices, and 512 for iPhone devices to ensure good performance. However, this default resolution may result in some designs appearing blurry. If the default display is inadequate, you can specify custom values for the texture. Note: For iPhones, the resolution will always be set to 512 regardless of the value you enter in the 'Mobile Texture Size' field, as exceeding 512 may cause crashes on different iPhone models. We generally recommend not setting values higher than 2048 pixels for desktop and 1024 pixels for mobile. Marka soo bandhigaya design 2D ah oo ku saabsan qaabka 3D, qaab ka mid ah naqshadeynta ayaa la abuuraa qiyamka default ee 1024 loogu talagalay desktop, 1024 loogu talagalay qalabka moobiilka ee Android, iyo 512 ee qalabka iPhone si loo hubiyo waxqabadka wanaagsan. Si kastaba ha noqotee, xalinta default this waxay keeni kartaa in naqshado qaar ka mid ah muuqan blurry muuqan. Haddii bandhigay default waa mid aan ku filnayn, waxaad qeexaan kartaa qiimaha caadadii waayo texture ah. Ogsoonow: Waayo, iPhone, qaraarka had iyo jeer lagu qarkamin doonaa in 512 iyadoo aan loo eegin qiimaha aad gasho beerta 'Mobile texture Size', sida ka badan 512 keeni kartaa shilalka on noocyada kala duwan ee iPhone. Waxaan guud ahaan ku talinaynaa in aan la dhigin qiimaha ka badan 2048 pixels for desktop iyo 1024 pixels for mobile. Details

When displaying a 2D design on the 3D model, a texture of the design is generated with default values of 1024 for desktop, 1024 for Android mobile devices, and 512 for iPhone devices to ensure good performance. However, this default resolution may result in some designs appearing blurry. If the default display is inadequate, you can specify custom values for the texture. Note: For iPhones, the resolution will always be set to 512 regardless of the value you enter in the 'Mobile Texture Size' field, as exceeding 512 may cause crashes on different iPhone models. We generally recommend not setting values higher than 2048 pixels for desktop and 1024 pixels for mobile.

Marka soo bandhigaya design 2D ah oo ku saabsan qaabka 3D, qaab ka mid ah naqshadeynta ayaa la abuuraa qiyamka default ee 1024 loogu talagalay desktop, 1024 loogu talagalay qalabka moobiilka ee Android, iyo 512 ee qalabka iPhone si loo hubiyo waxqabadka wanaagsan. Si kastaba ha noqotee, xalinta default this waxay keeni kartaa in naqshado qaar ka mid ah muuqan blurry muuqan. Haddii bandhigay default waa mid aan ku filnayn, waxaad qeexaan kartaa qiimaha caadadii waayo texture ah. Ogsoonow: Waayo, iPhone, qaraarka had iyo jeer lagu qarkamin doonaa in 512 iyadoo aan loo eegin qiimaha aad gasho beerta 'Mobile texture Size', sida ka badan 512 keeni kartaa shilalka on noocyada kala duwan ee iPhone. Waxaan guud ahaan ku talinaynaa in aan la dhigin qiimaha ka badan 2048 pixels for desktop iyo 1024 pixels for mobile.
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2024-03-06 18:03:58
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